Cabindaise woman
Woman with pain forgotten by the whole world
In you so many tears accumulate
Mother of courage that nothing disarms
Who knows that always, even without weapons
One day justice and truth will win
You wait patiently for your children
For misery to go away
That the storms will calm down
That a shower of kindnesses will turn into small miracles
That no mirage can erase
A field to plough, a school for the children,
Food in your woven basket
Shelter for the poor, the afflicted
Work for those who seek in vain
How to earn their bread
Strong woman, wise woman
Now is the time to bury your resilience
Go forth with your head held high and show your suffering
Break the chains of those who are still in ignorance
Call out to the world, awaken its conscience
Don’t accept to see your children’s future trampled
Imagine their lives changing
And dance to the rhythm of your heart
Light the flame of hope
Your land will return to you, justice will win
Hunger you will forget, happiness you will see again
Your tears will be of joy
If you believe, you will live it!
Elodie Tshibassu-Gieskes